[Salon] Fwd: A song for today

A friend, formerly of the State Department, shared this, with the accompanying comment:

We need this guy now!

Memorable line, to his hypothetical Mom: "I’ll look for you, when the war is over,
An hour and a half from now!”

It should be apparent by now, I’m totally fatalistic, thanks to this email list. With the combination here of war incitement by the false accusation against Trump as working with the Russians (hey, ignoramuses, look at Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, and take notice that the the Fascist International’s HQ is there, and the Israeli Fascists who actually helped get Trump elected in 2016, with Psy-Group, etc., is baaaack). As is Trump himself, and you don’t need to read Hebrew to read of the Israeli fascist’s involvement in US politics. And vice versa! And Biden is, on so-called National Security issues, ideologically, only a replica of the (Traditional) Conservative Movement’s  "National Security State Ideology” which today is bi-partisan and every bit as insane as Gen. Bombs Away Lemay, his good friend Barry Goldwater, and their ideologists, principally, Willmoore Kendall and James Burnham, both today being celebrated as precursors to Trumpism. To include all the above’s, Straussianism, decried by so-called Traditional Conservatives! If it all wasn’t so tragic, it would be hilarious, and an apt subject for satire :-)

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